Dreams & Decision Making

Ok, It’s decision time. Do you look like a deer in headlights? Are you calm in the moment? Do you even know how to make a decision that is right for you?


You are faced with making a choice around something that has been a part of your life for a number of years; it’s been a really good thing. Why would you give up a “good” thing? That sounds crazy.  Do you stay the course and best try to maintain the status quo? Do you try to slightly alter the options to be more in your favor? Do you just say yes because it is the easy answer?


With a crystal-clear vision of your dream in place, the questions change. You take ten steps back, take a deep breath and ask yourself these questions: Is this good thing still good for you? Is this good thing in alignment with your dreams? Your values? Your priorities? Is now the right time for you? Is this good thing blocking a great thing for you?


Do you have a clear view of your dream? I mean really seeing it, crystal clear, all the vivid details in place. When you can see clearly the future that you desire the focus of the choice shifts from “is it good” to looking at it in relation to yourself. The question no longer is about the good thing. The questions become –  is this good thing the right thing for you? Is now the right time?


Once the questions shift from being about “the thing” to being about the intersection of the decision and your dreams, that is the point of freedom from the trap of good. Just because something is a good thing, doesn’t mean it is right for you.


It is good that we have doctors, CEO’s, sales representatives, plumbers AND that doesn’t mean that being any of those is good for YOU. All too often choices are made based on the “goodness” of the thing and leave off the “for you” part of the equation. Goodness is all well and good and without the qualifier of “for you” all too often the deciding factors are vague and have little to do with your core dreams.


Decisions based only on a “goodness” rating that exclude your dreams often wind you up doing a good thing and being miserable. The good thing that makes you miserable, stressed out, anxious, or fearful can make someone else happy, fulfilled and living their dream.


Align the actions of your day to your dream.

Prioritize your values.

Make decisions that are good for you.

And live the life of your dreams.


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