Love a Great Quiz?

Do you love a great quiz?? I have a new go-to tool for quizzes!

Interact – Use it for all things quizzable! What an amazing toolkit Interact has created. It is a super intuitive tool that quickly gets you the information you need, not to mention it is very customizable.

Need to gather contact information? Interact.
Need an anonymous survey? Interact.
Need to populate your CRM? Interact.
Assessments? Interact.
Personality Quiz? Interact.
Scored Quiz? Interact.

Need to collect participant feedback? Great tool for gathering feedback and connecting with the group in a fast and efficient way! It’s way more fun to complete an online quiz that scores everything for you, no more tallying your answers.

Need to tailor content? For workshops and speaking engagements, Interact allows participants to take a quick quiz to evaluate the exact needs and skill level of the group.  Never again cover material the group already knows or doesn’t need.  Do we need to cover student loan repayment or retirement savings? You can know with a quick quiz. Wouldn’t it be great if everyone tailored content this way!

Need information gathered anonymously to get accurate results? Interact is perfect. Serving clients that may not be ready to disclose the mountains of debt they are facing; anonymous quizzes allow us to get the information to serve the group well. It is much easier to check a box privately from an email than to worry that one of your co-workers or friends may see your responses.

Need to pick a topic or survey the real needs of your tribe? Interact is your go-to! It’s perfect for assessments too. You can quickly and easily create assessment questions and integrate with Infusionsoft and get them the information they need fast.

Need to know how much the group learned from beginning to end? Simply send the assessment again at the end of the training. It’s great for showing client’s the progress they have made at different intervals. Sometimes, client’s only see what is left and forget the win’s so far. A new approach to encouragement!

Wondering if your training is effective? Interact can also be used to gauge where material is clearly landing and where it’s not sticking or may need to be taught in a different manner for better mastery.

Gathering information has never been so easy and fun! Make it easy, make it Interact-ive! Want to try it yourself? Click here! 

Are You a Money Maven? Guess what? I have a quiz where you can find out now!


Get the free FINANCIAL POWER CHECKLIST and discover the health of your wealth. Easy to complete in only 2 minutes, the checklist will also look at your relationship with money!

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